Well my little bump in the road from last Thursday has grow to a full fledged road block. Basically, all I need is a simple letter stating that my hysterectomy back in '02 ,after giving birth to Jake, was due to childbirth complications. And that after seven years I have fully recovered!
Simple enough huh?
No .
I ordered the operation report and discharge papers from the hospital. They inform me this could take two weeks to retrieve from achieves.Ugh! The Doctor that preformed the surgery is no longer around.Ugh! So I called my newest Ob/Gyn and she has also left.Ugh!
At this point I am beginning to sweat.
I plead my case to someone in the Ob/Gyn office to put me with another doctor and please help me. They assure me they will call me back.
That was last Friday morning. By Friday afternoon they decided to leave early for manicures.
So, I will fast forward to today (Tuesday).
This is dedicated to everyone else that had a poopy day recently!Feel free to laugh I will some day ...but just not today.
My day in bullet points:
- Ava was running a low grade fever last night ,so I called back the Ob/Gyn office rather than pleading my case in person and I spoke to the office manager.
- She said they would have to call and let me know if they would be willing to do it.
(What the heck does that mean? Mind you, I just thought that I did not say it out loud)
Here is a condensed version of the conversation :
me: "But you are my Ob/Gyn."
the mean office manager: "Like I said, I will call you back"
me: "My daughter is living over there in China with no family.For a child with no family days seem like weeks,weeks seem like months and months seem like years."
the mean office manager : "Your DOB."
Oh yes, she did say that! What the heck happens to someone to harden their heart to that degree? Heartless.
- I was so upset which = lots of crying
- Took a moment to wish the same nail fungus on her as I had wished upon the ladies from last week! (Not really but really thought about it :)
- Phone rang and it was the hospital with my records ready for pick up!
- God must had taken pity on me! (At this point I am glad I really did not wish the wrath of the nail fungus!)
- I loaded that sick baby in the car and drove around the city and back
- Read the operation /discharge report and balled some more.
(Note to self :self pity is the worst quality a person can possess but I was on a role and was just going to go with it)
- Called my General Practitioner from the car they said bring it they would read the report and write my note :)
- They said give him 24 hours and it will be done!:)
- Now, I am praying that my agency coordinator is not out of town!
- My eyes are swollen shut and I cannot see out of my contacts because of the mascara that ran into my eyes or just maybe I have gone blind
I am ready for bed so I can put this day behind me !!!!!
By the way the heartless office manager ...never called me back .
(so I am rethinking the nail fungus thing ... again!)
And then I remind myself how the last few days came into play . Beyond all of the frustration and tears it is all worth it. All of this because I am a momma of a sweet little girl in China that I have never met or held but love beyond measure.
Adoption Photolistings: Children in South Asia
8 years ago