We finally made it home!!!! What a crazy travel itinerary we had but we made it home safe and sound! And believe me there is no place like home!!!!
I was really surprise that Pei took right to the boy's after being home for only an hour she sat in Nick's lap and played! For this little girl that is a big deal!
Our time in China was a blur. The two weeks went by quickly but upon coming home it felt like we had been gone forever. We are so glad to get home. Living in numerous hotels with two young children is not easy! So just having the comforts of home has made this so much better.
I have to be honest . This is probably been one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. I know that no two adoptions are the same. So I walked into this knowing that this would not be the same as Ava's adoption. Both of these girls had the same beginning but very different experiences while in country. Ava was in numerous hospitals and then finally in a orphanage. She had no consistent caregivers and came to us like a blank canvas waiting for someone to make the first stroke. Pei on the other hand stayed at the orphanage just a few days and then was place with a foster family. She then stayed with this family till the day we meet her. So we prepared ourselves for a child that would mourn and grieve. Well so we thought.
I have to say that I was totally unprepared. I do not know if I could have prepared myself for this. Pei was in a combination of shock,panic and mourning. I found myself wanting to help her but not really sure what to do. As a parent it was a very helpless feeling.We just had Ava's two year post placement done for Russia . Our social worker is also an attachment therapist and said that this is the hard part .A child that has been in foster care has a difficult start but in the long run is so much better off.
We have made great progress but we have a long way to go. Pei is two and came to us with her own personality and way of doing things. So we skipped right over the honeymoon phase and dove head first into the discovery phase.We are all learning about each other and finding the new norm.
Here are a few tidbits that we have discovered:
~I have to say this is such a smart little girl!
~She is picking up English right and left.
~ She can eat her weight in cantaloupe!
~Loves Chocolate milk!
~Loves McDonald's french fries!
~Scared of strangers
~Loves Tex and Rocky
~Loves dancing and music
~ She loves to bath and swim!
~ She has one small problem with hitting ,so we are working on that!
Layer by layer we are discovering her personality.Pei is a scared ,sweet little girl that has had her whole world turned upside down. Please pray for her heart to heal and that she continues to trust us.
I am taking a small break from our blog to post for my friend ,Nikki, who is leaving this next week to pick up Quinn!!!!! We are so excited about finally meeting this sweet girl! So I figure one blog to manage,school starting and doctor appointments is enough with the dynamic duo in tow !
So, see ya in a couple of weeks!!!