Today we escaped the confines of our home and ventured off to the zoo! I have found it difficult to go too far with Pei due to her bad relationship with the car!
Pei + Car = vomit!!!!!
I have been saying that God definitely has a since of humor! Anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely H.A.T.E. vomit. No one likes it but I have been known to leave a restaurant if I see someone puke! So, God leads me right to my beautiful daughter, who happens to suffer from major motion sickness and barfs every time we get into the car!(I think I hear him laughing!!) Maybe he thought I needed some help in this area. Well, since being home with Pei I have tackled my fear of vomit . I have to say I am doing quite well!
So ,entered my little friend Dramamine and we were off ! We met up with Nikki and Quinn . We all had a great day visiting and seeing all of the animals.
Quinn checking out the girls! Yes Quinn you are correct they are DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!!!
Well on to the petting zoo. Where my two were looking for just the right victim!

Picture of the victim
Run little guy!!!!
Pei giving her assessment of his vulnerability!
Well ,all I can say was that this little guy did not seem to mind going to the beauty shop. And yes he was alive! And no he did not have to wear a lavender bow! Lucky guy!
Farewell little guy!
Here is to more puke free outings!!!!!!!!
Thanks Dramamine!