Last year at this time we began what seemed like an endless journey.Four planes , one train and countless vehicles and taxi's that spanned a 48 hour period.
Our destination , China.
Little did we know the treasure that waited for us there .
Fast forward to today ,Pei's transition into our family was "seamless".
Not really but as with all "labor pains" they fade and are replaced by sweet smiles and kisses.

I am a stay at home mom so this has helped with our bonding and attachment. We are together everyday,all day ... except one. Ava has a private speech appointment one day of each week.
This day can go from good to bad in a matter of seconds. That beautiful smile is replaced by tears and complete fear brought on by my departure.
I have tried many different scenarios to try to make this easier for her.
Consistency brings about predictability and that predictability brings about security.
So each time before I leave I gently take her chin, lift it up for her to look at me and say these words over and over :

"Mama always comes back. Always."

I have said these words even when I thought it was possible that this little girl of mine did not understand or completely believe me.
Our speech teacher was gone for the past couple of weeks. So Pei had a much needed reprieve from any stress filled departures.But this week it was back to business and the dreaded day of the week was upon us yet again.
That evening we gathered around the dinner table for our nightly dinner and family discussion. My husband always asks the kids what they did on that day.
When it came Pei's turn she spoke about Ava's speech appointment @ Ms. K's . She said how it makes her sad when we leave.
But she decided to wrap up her story with something pretty profound for a mere three year old.
And this mama always will sweet girl.