That's what boys are made of.
With dirt on his nose,
and scrapes on his knees,
the throwing or rocks,
and the climbing of trees,
with pockets of frogs,
and jars full of bugs
makes a sweet little boy
full of kisses and hugs!
We are just your average family of six. We have bills ,cars, a house,pets and kids ,four to be exact. I really used to think that four children was a lot but now that I am the mother of 4 it is merely a number.What makes us unique is how we came to build our family. We chose a road that is often less travelled and I have to say that road has lead us to unmeasurable blessings, the blessing of adoption.
People often think that it is for the super rich, trust me it is not.
People often think that it is never been the right time for them but it is not about our timing but His.
People often say we thought about it but our lives are just to crazy, I can not help but think I really need to invite them over for dinner one night :)
Bret and I knew that we would adopt again ,that was a given.
We had decided that Peyton would be the baby ,always.
We also had decided that the next child would be an older girl. I pictured her with dark almond shaped eyes and raven hair.
We had already had it all planned out.
So now what ?
Well we will wait for
our plan to be put into action when the time is right ..
.for us!
November 6th we attended an amazing Orphan Sunday service at our church, HFBC. As we sat holding our two beautiful adopted daughters, we listened to many families stories of how there lives had been changed. But one speaker got up there and gave his testimony of their journey to adopt their son and daughter from Africa. As Jay described his home it mirrored ours. The "chaos" that centers around bath time and the dinner hour I could swear that he had been to my house before! But beyond that, he described a loving family whose lives had been forever changed.
We left there with our hearts full of hope for the many children that are waiting around the world to be loved ,cherished and treasured.
I received an email two days later that caught me completely off guard. An email about a little boy in China that needs a family.I had placed this baby boy on my prayer site just last week. I am looking at his photo saying he is one of the most beautiful baby boys I have ever seen
but he is completely opposite of who
I pictured . This light eyed ,light haired beautiful child will never be excepted in his society. He would be an outcast based on the image that he was created in. I find that hard to wrap my head around in this day and time but it is reality.
I had a quick interruption that reminded me of what the date was. Today was November 8th. This was the same day exactly two years ago that we listened to Pastor Greg speak of how true journey's of faith often have limited sight. On this same day two years ago, we first laid eyes on my daughter ,Pei.
I have to admit this got my attention.
As I read about how this giggling baby has learned to tightly grab on to the nannies shirts when they go to place him back into his crib at the orphanage. For him, this ensures that he could be held a little longer. I went to bed that night with the image of that etched in my head.The image of this 9 month old baby desperately longing for the touch of another human being.
God spoke straight to my heart with that simple image .
It was if that baby boy had taken those same tiny fingers and wrapped them around mine.As I looked at his picture I saw a beautiful baby with Ava's eye and hair color, Pei's beautiful almond shape eyes and Chinese Heritage and all of the blessings that each of my sons have brought to my life.
So over the course of the next couple of days we let go of what our image was and realized that God's image was much better. .
Caden Ryker Han Le Wen
God has blessed us with a child that is a combination of the best qualities of each and every one of my children. He has showed us yet again that everything good comes in his plans for us and on his time.
We can not wait to get our beautiful son home and hold him in our arms. Please join us in praying our beautiful baby boy home.