Look at this sweet face! This is Robert at New Day and he needs heart surgery. He is currently available for adoption in China and waiting on his Mom and Dad to find him! So while he waits to be found he needs to have his little heart fixed.
There is one post on the New Day blog about Robert that totally got to me . This is what it read:
"Robert, especially, seems to be really wanting a family these days... yesterday he watched a plane go through the sky. He pointed up at it and named off some of the other children who have been matched with families. (The children all associate airplanes with getting adopted, as they know they leave on airplanes.) Then he said, "I don't have pictures of my family yet. I don't have a mom and a dad."
That is truly heart breaking.
Roberts best friend , Ethan , has a wonderful family
http://throughthemagicinthestars.blogspot.com/ who has taken Robert under their wing. They are putting together a fundraiser for Robert's heart surgery. The following message is from Tonya and Mike, Ethan's mom and dad.
"Sometimes I'd like to ask God why He allows poverty,
famine and injustice when He could do something about it.
But I'm afraid God might ask me the same question"
Robert was born on October 9, 2006. He was abandoned at the the gate of a local orphanage on March 9, 2007. When his parents couldn't be located, they admitted him into the hospital and diagnosed him with a severe heart defect.
He's received two surgeries to repair his heart defect so far and needs a third surgery. The organization that paid for his first two surgeries is no longer able to take care of him, so they returned him to his orphanage. Due to his extensive medical needs, his home orphanage asked New Day to take him while he waits for his third surgery. He came to New Day on March 11, 2010. He loves to be praised and he's able to understand and communicate with adults.
We know Robert's case is very difficult, but we hope to see him grow stronger and have a long and healthy life Robert is one of Ethan’s best friends at New Day Foster Home. We want to help Robert get his heart surgery.
We are willing to match ANY amount that you donate in order for this to happen! If you are willing to help in any way, the information for making contributions is below.
Surgery Needed:Heart Disease - Single ventricle, single atrium, pulmonary atresia Surgery cost: $10,000
Tax-deductible donations to the medical/surgical fund can be made by check or on-line through PayPal. If you would like your contribution to go towards Robert’s medical expenses, please e-mail us at foster@newdaycreations.com. If donating by check make it payable to:
New Day Charities P.O. Box 311671New Braunfels, TX 78131-1671Please write “NDFH Medical and Surgical Fund for Robert” in the memo line of your check.
I received this email from Adoptive Families requesting a survey about adoption time and cost.
http://www.adoptivefamilies.com/articles.php?aid=1617They will draw one winner for a $500. donation to the charity of your choice. It takes about 3 minutes to complete and I put New Day Charities (Roberts heart surgery fund) as my charity choice .
This is so simple and it could be a quick $ 500 for his heart surgery fund!
If enough of us pull together we could win this for this handsome fellow :)