"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."
Mother Teresa
With the new year comes the usual new year resolutions.Gym memberships are up,weight loss commercials are dominating the TV and everyone is excited about the promise that the new year will bring! We are very excited about 2010 because we have such a special year ahead with the addition of Ben Pei to our family!
I am planning on setting some small personal goals to achieve before Peyton comes home.These include some drapery projects and finishing up on some '09 goals carried over from last year.I look back on '08&'09's "carry overs" and say well I accomplished the #1 goal ...attaching with Ava.This was by far the most important goal I have set yet!
As a family we are trying something a little different this year. We have set a family goal for the year 2010.Just our little drop in the ocean. We have chosen the sweetest little boy to set up an adoption fund for.When we were waiting to be matched with our sweet girl ,we saw lots of little faces on different agencies lists. One little boy really stood out in this endless list of children waiting on their forever family. He is a special needs child from China born with a limb difference.When I first saw his photo I was captivated by how sad and lost he looked. There was something about him that reminded me of our Ava.I think it was that blank and expressionless photo that I first saw.
Just this past week I was catching up on some of my favorite blogs and I was stopped dead in my tracks! I saw a photo of the most precious and happy little boy .
"Could this be the same little boy?" It was him but that sad little face was replaced by the most beautiful smile.You see he is being sponsored by a wonderful organization and it has made all the difference in the world.
Despite that, he still needs a family of his very own.
So, we have printed off "Sammy's" picture, placed it in a green glass jar on our kitchen island and dollar by dollar hope to off set his adoption cost for one lucky family.Each dollar is just a drop in the ocean. By the end of the year we hope to have saved enough in Sammy's little jar to place an small adoption grant towards his adoption fees.So for now, we have the most handsome little fellow greeting us each day.The kids know him by name and are excited about the opportunity ahead. I cannot think of a better reminder of how blessed we are to be given the opportunity to make a difference in someones life.What a powerful gift!
Way to powerful to ignore!
Sammy is currently listed with Adoptions Together. Here is their link :He is listed under boy Feb/08
http://www.adoptionstogether.orgI am not sure about the rules of listing his photo on my blog but I will find out what is allowed.
So head over to my comments section and lets hear what you resolve to do for the year 2010. Just maybe you will resolve to make the year 2010 about making a difference in someones life !