"We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life. But those who make their journey home across time & miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands."--- Kristi Larson

Saturday, October 30, 2010

BOO !!!!!!!!

We had a great day today visiting the zoo ...again! This seems to be one of those venues that never gets old with the kiddos and the mommies have a good time visiting too! The girls dressed up for the zoo Halloween festivities.The girls were the fairies , Tinkerbell and Silvermist . They loved dressing up ! Of course, we visited the goats again . Ava has decided she wants one for the house. But I think we will just visit the ones at the zoo for now :)

The week started out rather sketchy in the attachment area. Pei has regressed back into the anxious attachment zone. You know the zone where mom is not allowed but a mere 5 feet away. And heaven forbid you have a visitor come to the house! Nothing short of a wave of hysteria breaks out like a virus with the simple word "hello". Pei's hysteria freaks Ava out too! So, I am not sad to leave this week behind and move on into next week!

I am so thankful for my friends and a much needed outing with all the girls!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Windows to the soul

Let me just start this by saying Pei has done so well adjusting to all of the change that has been thrown her way. Her entire world has been turned completely upside down.

Just imagine one day waking up and your family dressing you to leave your home. You think you are just going out maybe to the store or to see a friend. But when they leave you at the orphanage you do not know this is goodbye ...forever. So within a few hours you are dropped off with complete strangers . Reality begins to set in when you drive off with all of these strangers.But nothing like the reality that occurs at bedtime. Fear takes over and panic sets in.

These people smell different,look different and speak a language you do not understand.

Imagine just how frightening this would be at the age of two years old.

I think we have been so impressed by Pei's resilience. The two weeks in China were so hard but after coming home and establishing a predictable routine she has settled in . So when we had a complete raging tantrum today, I am reminded how frustrating this still is for her. She is still just a baby but is really tall for her age so you often forget there is a years difference between her and Ava. We have really expected a lot from her. I have been reminded today that underneath all of the giggles and smiles there is a lingering sadness for her losses. Such a heavy burden for such a little girl. But her eyes tell her story.Without any words exchanged her eyes are open windows straight to her little heart. And they tell it all.

Just as quick as the sadness and frustration consumes her ,it is gone again ...for now.

And she is back to the sweet little girl that we have gotten to know and love.

Full of giggles and kisses.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A little of this and a little of that!

We have been busy the past couple of weeks! We have been back to the zoo, went to a fun farm and been visiting with our friends Quinn and Wren!
The sisters are doing so well with each other! There is a lot more giggles and silliness with the occasional sister show down!But that is expected!
Here our a few photos of our latest adventures!Check out these Texas cowgirls !

We also had a wonderful visit from Ms. Ana from Russia ! As you can tell Ava LOVES her!

What a silly girl!